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22 Sections in Head Office

22 Sections in Head Office

In head office there were 22 sections. They are:-

  1. Establishment-A (EA)
  2. Establishment-B (EB)
  3. IT Division
  4. Employees Matters of Co-operative Institutions (EM)
  5. CS-HV
  6. M T
  7. Credit Primaries (CP)
  8. Planning & Monitoring A (P&M-A)
  9. Planning & Monitoring B (P&M-B)
  10. Credit Banking (CB)
  11. Credit Long Term (CLT) – AEL
  12. Scheduled Caste/Tribes – Publication and Training (SCT-PT)
  13. General
  14. Vigilance
  15. Marketing and Processing
  16. Accounts
  17. Finance
  18. Statistics
  19. Integrated Co-operative Development Project (I C D P)
  20. Tapal
  21. Fair Copy
  22. Dispatch