e-Governance Initiatives by Cooperative Department

Department of Cooperation, Government of Kerala > e-Governance Initiatives by Cooperative Department

Integrated Co-operative Department Management System(ICDMS) scheme was implemented as part of the modernization of the Department of Co-operation with the technical support of CDIT.

The 3 modules of the ICDMS project are:

1)    Registration of Co-operative Societies and Bylaw Amendment: – Applications for Registration of Co-operative Societies and Amendment of Byelaws can be submitted directly by the public / Co-operative Societies online and is integrated with the Treasury Online Payment Gateway for payment of fees. At present, applications for registration of Co-operative Societies and Byelaw amendment are submitted and registered through ICDMS

2)     Fund Management Module: – The Fund Management Module is designed to accurately monitor the repayment of the amount after disbursement of financial assistance to Co-operative Societies included in State / NCDC schemes. Full information regarding the assistance given to co-operative societies and the repayment of the amount can be monitored through this module.

3)     Audit Module: – The software development process of the module for preparing the audit report of the Co-operative Societies in the software system and making it available online is in the final stage. User Acceptance Test (UAT) procedures are in progress.


As part of the ICDMS project, an online application called Co-operative Audit Monitoring & Information System (CAMIS) has been developed for the audit of co-operative societies. Basic information and audit information of all Co-operative Societies in Kerala under the control of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies and Functional Registrars are made available online and to the public at www.camis.kerala.gov.in.

By providing the information of the Co-operative Societies registered under the Registrar of Co-operative Societies and Functional Registrars, it is possible to facilitate departmental level data collection, effectively monitor the activities of the co-operative societies and make necessary corrections.

Implementation of e-office in all offices, state level, district level, taluk level are completed. O/o The Registrar of Co-operative societies, Directorate of Co-operative Audit, 14 district level Joint Registrar (General) offices, 14 Joint Director (Audit) offices, 78 Assistant  Registrar (General) offices, 64 Assistant Director (Audit) offices have successfully transformed to e-office. Declaration of statewide implementation of e-office was declared by the Hon’ble Minister for Co-operation & Registration on 18/05/2022.

Software has been developed and implemented for online submission of application for conducting election of Co-operative societies.

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